Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rules, Rules, Rules

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Still January 30, 2009

RULES of this experiment:
Been coalescing these rules over the last month. They’re basically unchanged since January.

1. No e-mail, IMing, G-chat, Facebook, Google, or anything on the internet.
2. No text-messaging, except with Jeff. If anyone texts me, I call them back.
3. All rules off in case of true emergency, with rules to be resumed as soon thereafter as possible.
4. Exceptions: using the pipe to the office computer to update Quicken. Backing up my computer (which happens to the house computer).
There is a bit of a gap for me with not being able to google answers to the kids’ questions right away, but there is something good and solid about writing their questions down to be answered later. When I google answers we all end up on the computer for at least 10 minutes, usually longer.
In part I started this experiment to make more time to finish massage therapy school, but it’s amazing the number of ways I can still find to not be doing that work.

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