Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sneaking on the Internet?

"Don't you notice that there are particular moments when you are naturally moved to introspection? Work with them gently, for these are the moment when you can go through a powerful experience and your whole worldview can change quickly."
— Sogyal Rinpoche, Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, pp. 32-33

[photo: Quartz, Block Island, 2009]

April 15, 2009

C says, in the morning: "Mom, why is there a chair here??? [in front of family computer] Have you been sneaking on the internet when no one’s looking?”

Later, when he wants to find the building instructions that came with his knex, and they’ve disappeared, I suggest we might be able to download them from their web site. He got all excited when he realized that I could tell him how to get there and it wouldn’t be "cheating".

C also said the other night it’s “nicer” without me on the internet. I tried to get him to give me details, and all he would share is that I’m not sitting down at the computer every single day of my life.
Stuff that needs to get written about:
— NYT article: “facebook saves lives” about coordinating sandbagging during flooding in N Dakota


  1. I wonder if at the end of our lives we get a run down of all the hours we spent on trivial stuff like the internet and realize not just how many hours but how many days, weeks, months and years we've wasted on not living. It might be as disappointing as looking at a bank statement and trying to balance your account at the end of the month and realize you spend 300 dollars on fast food when you could have bought groceries for 78 dollars. Damn that hurts.

  2. Yeah, nearly-7 over here loves it when I'm computer free. I am during the days this week and it's so good for all of us.
