Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oh, How the Mighty Have Fallen.

"The extraordinary qualities of great beings who hide their nature escapes ordinary people like us, despite our best efforts in examining them. On the other hand, even ordinary charlatans are expert at deceiving others by behaving like saints."
— Patrul Rinpoche (q. in Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, p. 133)

still 4/17/09

just had a nice, spectacular fall off the wagon.

Part of my year is only texting with Jeff. Even though it’s not technically the internet, it takes on the feel of instant messaging and is highly addictive and takes me away from wherever I am.

So, I forgot my keys to the office today. S (our office mate) was out to lunch and I didn’t want to leave the office unsecured. I phoned S; didn’t pick up. So I texted him that I was ducking out and would he be back. I didn’t want to lock myself out again.

Error #1: text messaged S.

error #2: misspelled ducking and wrote “dicking”, as in “dicking out to get some lunch”.

later S said he thought it must be a prep-school term, since an old classmate had just stopped by the office earlier that day. At his school they used to get a slip called a dicky if they missed class, so there was a slang term there of dicking class.

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