Sunday, February 28, 2010

More annoying obstacles

"Whatever arises, just keep being present, keep returning to the breath, even in the midst of all the confusion."

— Sogyal Rinpoche, Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, p. 77

Early March 2009

I’m a bit scared regarding the NCBTMB national certification exam. The best resource I know of is and it’s, well, on the internet.

There is no question I’d pass the test if I used this. What’s the scope of this experiment? If the internet is necessary to study for the national certification exam (and I think in the beginning I said I would be off the internet unless it was absolutely necessary to finish school) — then will I have to do it?

I can finish school and become an LMT without the internet. I just can’t do the national certification exam and given that I went to a non-accredited school and it’s an economic downturn and I haven’t lived in Maine for 40 generations, it feels like the national certification would be really, really smart. I could take it in 2010 but I might be rusty by then, and the rust sets in powerful quick these days.

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