Monday, March 15, 2010

Emerging, Solitude

Totally conscious, and apropos of nothing, you come to see me.
Is someone here? I ask.
The moon. The full moon is inside your house.
Be melting snow.
Wash yourself of yourself.
— Rumi, Essential Rumi, tr. Coleman Barks, p. 13

March 8, 2009
Portland, Maine

Both Jeff & I are emerging as writers. I’m totally OK being an emerging writer at 40, nearly 41. At 25, I thought it was lame to get labeled 'emerging writer'. Now, I'm completely fine with it. Fine to be 'emerging' for the next fifty years or so.

Writing poetry requires solitude — a rare commodity these days — but something I actually have right now, for the first time in a long time.
Ego: Suit? Or straight jacket?

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