Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Aneurysm, part II

[E. & C., 2001]

Let the poor man look deep into generosity.
Let bread see a hungry man.
Let kindling behold a spark from the flint.

— Rumi, Essential Rumi, tr. Coleman Barks, p. 141

Yesterday I was able also to reach Elizabeth’s mom at the ICU after calling Seattle 411 again. I spoke with E.'s mom for about ten minutes and got the facts straight on what is happening with her. Her mom sounded amazingly upbeat considering what has been happening, and didn't seem to mind getting a phone call.

Basically, E. was at a meeting a couple weeks ago and she came down with a bad headache, so bad it felt like a migraine. Her head felt unusually warm and she started vomiting. She told her husband something was wrong. They got her to the ER and eventually got her to Harborview where she was operated on for a deep burst aneurysm and a superficial non-burst one that was found in the brain scan.

Two weeks later she is recovering but does not always know where she is or what year it is. She has thought she was in Spain. She has reported just looking at paperwork and feeling relieved that she’s on my old company's health insurance. I don’t even know if she’s got health insurance right now.

Peter said a few days after the surgery he visited the hospital. A week or more later he visited again and she looked way better but was still confused about where she was. She is on medication to artificially raise her BP to about 180 so that the arteries in her brain will stay open. There are apparently vasospasms, which they are waiting to calm down on their own. Her mom said that her youth and health are working against her here, not having developed the hardening of the arteries that would prevent the spasms from being so severe.

[to be continued]

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